Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system that prevents one from getting pregnant after over a year of constant unprotected sex.
The fact that it is a disease is good news because it means that it can be cured. Check Collected.Reviews for the different ways to cure infertility issues.
Reading reviews on health insurance plans reveals that infertility treatment is not covered under some health insurance and this treatment can be very expensive and unaffordable. The fact that not every couple faced with infertility can afford it and that their health insurance cannot help them is a real concern.
Let’s see why infertility should or should not be covered by health insurance plans.
1. Affordability:
People with infertility go through a lot more than just infertility. Some of these people had to quit their jobs because they wanted to raise a family. Some have always fantasized about having children play around their homes when they grow up. When they eventually settle down to have kids and they discover that they have infertility issues, it can lead to overthinking and even depression.The infertility treatments are accessible but affordable and this is one of the goals of insurance to bridge the gap between needing something and having it. Including infertility treatments in health insurance will help to make these treatments easily accessible.
2. Mortality:
Insurance typically offers coverage for risks to life and properties, but infertility does not cause any risk to life or property so it is arguable that health insurance plans should not cover infertility technologies. However, infertility helps to improve quality of life and for that singular reason, it should be covered by health insurance. A threat to life does not have to be imminent before insurance takes responsibility.
3. Gender Equality:
In this time when gender equality is preached in all the corners of the earth, it is ironic that women have to choose between family and a career at a certain age because of the demand from both family and word. This can be further explained with the results from different studies that prove that fertility rates decrease at an alarming rate for career women so if they plan to give birth, they ought to do so early else they might be unable to give birth later and these women have plans for their lives. If health insurance covers infertility technologies, women will be able to plan their lives the way they want and not have to take a break in between plans because they want to give birth. Hence, if health insurance covers infertility technologies, it in a way supports gender equality.
4. Adoption:
This is more of a last resort for people with infertility issues but if you take a closer study, adoption costs as much as infertility drugs will cost so health insurers can give couples the privilege of having their offspring rather than adopting by covering infertility technologies in their insurance plans.
Offering insurance on infertility technologies will help to save many people from depression and give them a happy life.